- Shri Narendra Modi
Hon'ble Prime Minister of India
- Dr Rajiv Kumar
Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog
- Shri Amitabh Kant
Driving and maintaining your electric vehicle is a breeze. With no gears, spark plugs and fuel tanks, electric vehicles truly redefine convenience. What's more? electric vehicles are as simple to charge as your mobile phone. You can plug-in at café while sipping coffee, at office during work or at home while you sleep.
Are thoughts of fire-risks from flammable batteries doing rounds in your mind? Breathe a sigh of relief. The frequency and severity of fires from electric vehicles are comparable or slightly lesser than conventional vehicles. Only about 0.006% of electric vehicles have caught fire compared to 0.07% of internal combustion engine vehicles as per 2018 data of NFPA, U.S. Besides, more scientific research to discover lesser flammable materials is already underway.
A fully charged pure electric vehicle is all that you need for your household's typical daily uses. Why? Unlike conventional vehicles, electric vehicles can be recharged on a top-up basis. Moreover, most electric vehicles can go up to 60 to 110 km on a single charge, which is well beyond the average distance travelled by commuters per day.
Diversity and inclusion are fundamental to electric vehicle revolution. E-mobility strives for a welcoming and equitable environment by supporting the presence, ideas and contribution of a diverse set of people. Women constitute an increasing proportion of the value chain.
Electric vehicles are more affordable to buy, own and operate than ever before. Electric two-wheelers and electric three-wheelers are already cost-competitive. Electric four-wheelers are economically viable for commercial fleet operations. A typical fleet car travels about 190 km per day, while the breakeven distance for an average electric sedan is just 164 km per day. Besides the already rock-bottom running costs, the upfront costs are set to decline a lot more with falling battery prices in the future.
You won't have to wait too long to charge your electric vehicles. Electric vehicle charging has sped up by 5 times since the previous few years. Fast charging is on its way to become mainstream. What’s more? As the Indian Power Ministry has set targets to include atleast one public charging station in every 3km x 3km grid in the urban areas, electric vehicle charging is assured to be within easy reach for you.
Check out our latest news & views to help keep you informed
India stands at the cusp of a ground-breaking revolution in Electric Mobility
Electric Vehicles have been registered till today
States have notified or drafted state Electric Vehicle policies
Electric Vehicle manufacturers operate in India
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations have already been installed
Growth occurred in Electric Vehicle sales from FY15 to FY20
Kilotonnes of carbon dioxide emissions have been reduced
Of all vehicle sales in FY21-22 were electric
Find the electric vehicle that is right for you, using our two, three and four wheel vehicle selector.
Read MoreFind a home charger to make your electric vehicle journeys more convenient.
Read MoreCalculate the cost of the usual journeys you make in your car or on your bike, and see how much you can save by switching to electric.
Read MoreIndia today launched ‘E-Amrit’, a web portal on
#EVs, at the ongoing #COP26 Summit.
one-stop destination for all information on electric vehicles - busting myths around
the adoption of EVs, their purchase, investment opportunities, policies, etc.pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetailm.aspx?PRID=1770670...
10 Nov 2021
#NITIAayog launches#ElectricVehicle Awareness Web Portal called 'e-AMRIT' at #COP26. The web portal on “Accelerating e-Mobility Revolution for India’s Transportation” is developed in collaboration with @ukinindia #COP26Glasgow
10 Nov 2021
The web portal is an endeavor to create #awareness about#ElectricMobility in 🇮🇳. By providing the users with access to info, #eAMRIT assists users in their journey to own an electric vehicle or set up their own electric vehicle or associated enterprise.
10 Nov 2021
The web portal is an endeavor to create #awareness about #ElectricMobility in 🇮🇳. By providing the users with access to info, #eAMRITassists users in their journey to own an electric vehicle or set up their own electric vehicle or associated enterprise.
10 Nov 2021
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